Custom scalars

Custom scalars allow you to convert your Python objects to a JSON-serializable form in query results, as well as convert those JSON forms back to Python objects when they are passed as arguments or input values.

Example read-only scalar

Consider this API defining Story type with publishedOn field:

type_defs = """
    type Story {
        content: String
        publishedOn: String

The publishedOn field resolver returns an instance of type datetime, but in the API this field is defined as String. This means that our datetime will be passed through the str() before being returned to client:

    "publishedOn": "2018-10-26 17:28:54.416434"

This may look acceptable, but there are better formats to serialize timestamps for later deserialization on the client, like ISO 8601. This conversion could be performed in a dedicated resolver:

def resolve_published_on(obj, *_):
    return obj.published_on.isoformat()

However, the developer now has to remember to define a custom resolver for every field that returns datetime. This really adds a boilerplate to the API, and makes it harder to use abstractions auto-generating the resolvers for you.

Instead, GraphQL API can be told how to serialize dates by defining the custom scalar type:

type_defs = """
    type Story {
        content: String
        publishedOn: Datetime

    scalar Datetime

If you try to query this field now, you will get an error:

    "error": "Unexpected token A in JSON at position 0"

This is because a custom scalar has been defined, but it’s currently missing logic for serializing Python values to JSON form and Datetime instances are not JSON serializable by default.

We need to add a special serializing resolver to our Datetime scalar that will implement the logic we are expecting. Ariadne provides ScalarType class that enables just that:

from ariadne import ScalarType

datetime_scalar = ScalarType("Datetime")

def serialize_datetime(value):
    return value.isoformat()

Include the datetime_scalar in the list of resolvers passed to your GraphQL server. Custom serialization logic will now be used when a resolver for the Datetime field returns a value other than None:

    "publishedOn": "2018-10-26T17:45:08.805278"

We can now reuse our custom scalar across the API to serialize datetime instances in a standardized format that our clients will understand.

Scalars as input

What will happen if now we create a field or mutation that defines an argument of the type Datetime? We can find out using a basic resolver:

type_defs = """
    type Query {
        stories(publishedOn: Datetime): [Story!]!

def resolve_stories(*_, **data):
    print(data.get("publishedOn"))  # what value will "publishedOn" be?

data.get("publishedOn") will print whatever value was passed to the argument, coerced to the respective Python type. For some scalars this may do the trick, but for this one it’s expected that input gets converted back to the datetime instance.

To turn our read-only scalar into bidirectional scalar, we will need to add two functions to the ScalarType that was created in the previous step:

  • value_parser(value) that will be used when the scalar value is passed as part of query variables.
  • literal_parser(ast) that will be used when the scalar value is passed as part of query content (e.g. { stories(publishedOn: "2018-10-26T17:45:08.805278") { ... } }).

Those functions can be implemented as such:

def parse_datetime_value(value):
    # dateutil is provided by python-dateutil library
    if value:
        return dateutil.parser.parse(value)

def parse_datetime_literal(ast):
    value = str(ast.value)
    return parse_datetime_value(value)  # reuse logic from parse_value

There are a few things happening in the above code, so let’s go through it step by step:

If the value is passed as part of query’s variables, it’s passed to parse_datetime_value.

If the value is not empty, dateutil.parser.parse is used to parse it to the valid Python datetime object instance that is then returned.

If value is incorrect and either a ValueError or TypeError exception is raised by the dateutil.parser.parse GraphQL server interprets this as a sign that the entered value is incorrect because it can’t be transformed to internal representation and returns an automatically generated error message to the client that consists of two parts:

  • Part supplied by GraphQL, for example: Expected type Datetime!, found "invalid string"
  • Exception message: time data 'invalid string' does not match format '%Y-%m-%d'

Complete error message returned by the API will look like this:

Expected type Datetime!, found "invalid string"; time data 'invalid string' does not match format '%Y-%m-%d'


You can raise either ValueError or TypeError in your parsers.


Because the error message returned by the GraphQL includes the original exception message from your Python code, it may contain details specific to your system or implementation that you may not want to make known to the API consumers. You may decide to catch the original exception with except (ValueError, TypeError) and then raise your own ValueError with a custom message or no message at all to prevent this from happening.

If a value is specified as part of query content, its ast node is instead passed to parse_datetime_literal to give scalar a chance to introspect type of the node (implementations for those be found here).

Logic implemented in the parse_datetime_literal may be completely different from that in the parse_datetime_value, however, in this example ast node is simply unpacked, coerced to str and then passed to parse_datetime_value, reusing the parsing logic from that other function.

Configuration reference

In addition to decorators documented above, ScalarType provides two more ways for configuring it’s logic.

You can pass your functions as values to serializer, value_parser and literal_parser keyword arguments on instantiation:

from ariadne import ScalarType
from thirdpartylib import json_serialize_money, json_deserialize_money

money = ScalarType("Money", serializer=json_serialize_money, value_parser=json_deserialize_money)

Alternatively you can use set_serializer, set_value_parser and set_literal_parser setters:

from ariadne import ScalarType
from thirdpartylib import json_serialize_money, json_deserialize_money

money = ScalarType("Money")