ASGI app ======== .. module:: ariadne.asgi Ariadne provides a :py:class:`GraphQL` class that implements a production-ready ASGI application. Using with an ASGI server ------------------------- First create an application instance pointing it to the schema to serve:: # in import os from ariadne import make_executable_schema from ariadne.asgi import GraphQL from mygraphql import type_defs, resolvers schema = make_executable_schema(type_defs, resolvers) application = GraphQL(schema) Then point an ASGI server such as uvicorn at the above instance. Example using uvicorn:: $ uvicorn myasgi:application Customizing context or root --------------------------- :py:class:`GraphQL` defines two methods that you can redefine in inheriting classes: .. method:: GraphQL.root_value_for_document(query, variables) :param query: `DocumentNode` representing the query sent by the client. :param variables: an optional `dict` representing the query variables. :return: value that should be passed to root resolvers as the parent (first argument). .. method:: GraphQL.context_for_request(request) :param request: either a `Request` sent by the client or a message sent over a `WebSocket`. :return: value that should be passed to resolvers as ``context`` attribute on the ``info`` argument. The following example shows custom a GraphQL server that defines its own root and context:: from ariadne.asgi import GraphQL: from . import DataLoader, MyContext class MyGraphQL(GraphQL): def root_value_for_document(self, query, variables): return DataLoader() def context_for_request(self, request): return MyContext(request)